Pain and Inflammation Screening
multiple images of the area(s) of concern or injury. This might include neck, periodontal and dental, shoulder abdomen, hips, pelvis, back, spine,
knees, and ankles. This appointment is 30-40 minutes.
Thermography is the only available screening tool that visualizes inflammation and pain in the body. Discovering the source of the problem can help patients and practitioners confirm physical injuries and areas of dysfunction for further investigation and better targeted treatment. The benefits of thermography screening aid in diagnosis, prognosis, and monitoring therapy progress for several conditions and injuries.
Vascular Inflammatory Pain
Frozen Shoulder
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
Sprained Ankle
Pain and inflammation screens for
Specific patterns of pain and inflammation
Nerve entrapment and compression
Chronic inflammation
Nerve root irritation
Ligament tear
Disc disease and syndromes
Hypertension injuries
Muscular trigger points
Referred pain
Myofascial disease
Soft tissue injury
Sympathetic irritation
Post traumatic pain syndromes
Benefits of seeking out inflammation with thermography
Injury prevention
Follow progression of healing and rehabilitation
May detect a source of pain, encouraging further assessment
Thermography can "see" your pain and inflammation (unlike other testing) by showing physiological changes and metabolic processes
Aid in diagnosis, prognosis, and monitoring therapy progress
Detecting the root of the problem can lead to better treatment and intervention
Functional view of injuries, circulation, nerve disorders, muscle, and myofascial conditions
Provides a helpful visual perspective into the autonomic/sympathetic nervous system which records via somatic cutaneous reflex, the sympathetic response to pain and injury (source Meditherm)