Wyoming's first women-owned clinical thermography service
Serving the mountain-west community since 2017
Thermography is a clinical thermal imaging procedure for aiding in prevention
and detection of various diseases and dysfunction throughout the body.
Women's Full Body Health
Uncover your health with advanced medical thermography and live better.
Informational video about thermography provided by Dr. Thomas Hudson and Dr. John Bartone at Greenpoint Thermography
Why Use Thermography?
F.D.A Cleared
Medical Grade Equipment
Thermography, also known as Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging, uses a highly sensitive medical grade camera to take pictures of your body's heat patterns on the skin’s surface. These scans can detect vascular changes and thermal patterns of dysfunction. Images are then sent to a professional group of Board Certified Medical Doctors, who are trained medical Thermologists, for interpretation.
Better health starts with a health screening tool that offers a safer, painless, non-invasive way to better understand your health.
Thermography provides an overview of your current health status and future risk markers as part of a proactive health program. For patients and their health care practitioners, this early detection of dysfunction increases the opportunity to intervene at an early stage with a diagnosis and better targeted treatment options.